The WYRED project (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society- Evaluating Children’s Rights in a Digital World) brought together researchers, academics, youth organisations and technologists from across Europe to create a space for young people to examine their rights and engagement opportunities within digital society. These young people were facilitated by the partners to start conversations, develop projects and manifestos, autonomous spaces as well as creative and political responses. They worked within schools, universities, youth centres and community settings to promote their vision about how the emerging digital society should listen to young people and take account of their needs and ideas.
Paul Butler from Nexus was brought into this Framework project to act as evaluator as well as to support partners in their data collection and management processes. Through this project, Paul worked closely within a range of policy and practice partners including the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, the Early Years Organisation and Youth for Exchange and Understanding in order to share evidence on youth empowerment methodologies and digital learning. Resources and project reports are available on the project website.